Let's say that you want to send a one page message to someone on ABA/Net™. To send and receive that message, approximately 3,000 characters* are transmitted. Using a 300 baud modem, it would take about eighty seconds* to send the message. On the other hand, using a 1200 baud modem, it would take only about twenty seconds*. This means that, during normal business hours, sending that message would cost either 36¢ or 9¢*, depending on which modem is used. During off-peak hours, the cost is reduced to either 31¢ or 8¢*.
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Assuming that there are 300 words to a page, 5 characters per word, there are 1500 characters per page. But E-Mail charges are independent of whether the user is sending or receiving, so that 1500 character figure is doubled.